Learn All About Pigeons

Before you attempt to remove pigeon waste yourself, thoroughly gather enough info to do so safely. You might save the cost of cleaning by removing all the nests and waste yourself. Make sure to use water to hose waste solids whenever possible to avoid breaking the feces into inhale-able dust. If you are cleaning fecal solids, be sure to use a double canister mask or supplied air because Pigeon Lung Disease, Legionnaires Disease or Histoplasmosis, has killed many people as documented by the national Center for Disease Control.

When you clean large concentrations of waste that smell, you can splash a bleach dilution.

pigeon waste on roof
pigeon nest on roof

If you have a 2 story home with “undershot” nesting spots, chances are you have had pigeon problems before or will have them one day. Arizona Game and Fish recommends making sure a pigeon could not nest even if they tried. This means treating all existing and potential nesting spots.

Qualify your pigeon control “expert”- ask if they can provide written guarantee for free cleaning and treatment if pigeons nest in, on or against any of their applications. Every contractor guarantees their product will not break or fall off the roof.

Check out more info on our Residential Services Page about which pigeon nesting opportunities you may have on your roof.

There are many different reasons to why pigeons may be standing on your home. It is normal to see an occasional pigeon standing on your treated roof. Be sure to check out your roof for any signs of nesting or non-functional applications.

The Pigeon guy takes everything into account when writing up your personalized estimate. We treat spots where pigeons stand, roost or perch, to expedite the process of getting pigeons to relocate. Perching is a terrific waste of time and money if you have not resolved your nesting problem first. This goes for trapping as well. Trapping is a very temporary means of getting large perching problems under control and is often times bid as a means to receive a monthly check. We prefer whenever possible to treat spots with long term solutions that will deter future flocks for years.

pigeons perching on roof
trap intended to catch pigeons

Trapping is highly recommended by Arizona Fish and Game when used in cooperation with complete nesting treatment. We agree with this philosophy, when the flock size exceeds 15-20 birds and when the upper perches are also treated.

Without trapping, we realize long-term results of well over 90% with products that will discourage new flocks as well. Trapping is a temporary solution at best when used alone. Trapping rarely gets the entire flock.

Improper trapping produces trap- and bait-smart pigeons that will taunt you for years. If a contractor tells you they will charge to trap by the month a red flag should go up. Eliminating the flock by shooting or self-poisoning is illegal. Professionals claim “Euthanizing” is done with a chemical called Avitrol. This is a very destructive and illegal way to kill birds as the product produces severe mental distress, seizures and overkill. It is against the law to use a ‘pesticide’ in a manner that is inconsistent with its labeling.

Please tell us if you have done trapping before so we can customize a more efficient trapping regimen. We permanently relocate birds according to AZ Game and Fish guidelines. When trapping, you can expect over 90% flock reduction, however there will always be a possibility that it will not get every bird.

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