If you have a 2 story home with “undershot” nesting spots, chances are you have had pigeon problems before or will have them one day. Arizona Game and Fish recommends making sure a pigeon could not nest even if they tried this means treating existing and potential nesting spots. Qualify your pigeon control “expert”- ask if they can provide written guarantee for free cleaning and treatment if pigeons nest against any of their applications. Every contractor guarantees their product will not break or fall off the roof. Unfortunately, pigeon’s nest anywhere their eggs will not roll, covered areas 1st, shaded areas 2nd, open roof 3rd and trees last. Pigeons regularly nest against fireplaces and anywhere the roof tiles pitch into a wall. These areas are often intentionally overlooked because results are difficult to achieve and costly, plus customers usually can’t see these spots from the ground. When treated, we often find 100’s of pounds of nesting material and waste against mesh, netting supports and spikes.

Pigeon Slide Technology or P.S.T. involves a piece of custom cut roofing metal, carefully installed to create a sliding board for nesting materials instead of anchor spots. Pigeons can stand on it but not nest. This low-profile product is often very difficult to see from the street. Deciding on nesting treatment only, requires terrific patience on the part of the homeowner and contractor. The birds could leave within the day, week, after a few months or not at all. This is frustrating, time consuming and could result in new cleaning charges.

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Contacting our friendly staff will allow us to address your pigeon control needs in a strategic fashion.