Solar Panel Bird Guards

Solar Panel Bird Guards

Solar panels make an exceptional pigeon habitat. Pigeons like to live where they can have a roof over their head to hide from predators and where their eggs will not roll. Pigeons love to nest beneath solar panels.

The simplest solution to keep pigeons from beneath solar panels is to exclude their access to desirable habitat by abatement using galvanized wire mesh, also called hardware cloth. Hardware cloth is a very long lasting application.

When abating pigeons with hardware cloth, it is important to make sure not to void panel warranties by screwing into the solar panels. Hardware cloth used on solar panels should be painted to avoid unsightly glare.

The Pigeon Guy uses proprietary approved brackets to secure hardware cloth in order to maintain your solar panel warranty. We guarantee pigeons will not get behind our applications for a minimum of 1 year. We accept full responsibility for any roofing or solar panel damage we cause.

We are licensed, bonded and insured through the Arizona Office of Pest Management and also through the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. The Pigeon Guy conforms to PORA requirements for pest abatement and pigeon abatement standards.

We have done over 11,000 pigeon control jobs in the valley and treated thousands of solar panels.

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Contacting our friendly staff will allow us to address your pigeon control needs in a strategic fashion.