“Jason70” asked:

How do I keep birds off of a community playground structure?

Fred says:

The problem area as we identified it is play equipment that is covered by a textile canopy. The activity is more doves and smaller birds not pigeons. It is unusual for there to be so much activity in such a common area. The first thought would be that the lawns are being seeded or someone is feeding the birds. This will prove important for you to discover since treatment options are not conducive to play structures. There is no way to exclude birds without closing in the entire structure. The surfaces where birds are standing cannot be treated with spikes, gels or electric since this would harm children. There is a food safe chemical that might be sprayed called Methyl Anthranylate, but it is corrosive and would kill the fish in your lake. You could try an ultra-sonic device, but it is our experience they are expensive and have very limited success. In addition, the sounds and scare-devices that accompany them require constant repositioning. There may be someone who traps smaller birds, but our experience tells us the trap would get sabotaged by animal-lovers. Your best bet at this point is to keep the equipment cleaned and disinfected and watch for someone feeding anything to the birds. You might even post a “no feeding the birds” sign. I am sorry that we could not prove more helpful. If you get the chance, please let me know what you come up with.

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