How dangerous are pigeon urine and feces?

In the city of Yuma, Arizona, a company found out first-hand how dangerous pigeon urine and feces can become when not controlled. Check out this article from

The weight of the feces destroyed a gas station canopy! How horrible to know that it fell on top of a BMW and a Hummer. I would not want to pick up that bill! Thank goodness that nobody was hurt.

The Pigeon Guy is always here to help all business owners, no matter how small or big. We will eliminate the mess that pigeons leave behind, and more importantly, make sure they don’t come back!

Call The Pigeon Guy for all your pigeon control needs (480)726-2622 or fill out a request for estimate at:

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Contacting our friendly staff will allow us to address your pigeon control needs in a strategic fashion.

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